Saturday, July 1, 2017

Parenting Gratitude Challenge - Day 1

I practice gratitude on a daily basis. I read somewhere something to the affect of "You will lose the things in your life that you're not grateful for." I wish I could find the exact quote, but my Google search tried to point me to losing things in body cavities. 

Anyway, I took this quote to heart and everyday remind myself of the things in my life I'm grateful to have and would never want to lose. This, of course, includes my children. In my everyday practice I simply state that I'm grateful to have them.

I was peeking at my blog today and noticed I haven't written anything in a long time, and it's the beginning of a new month, and I thought "Why not do a month long gratitude challenge specifically about being a parent?" Why not.

So, for day 1 I present the following:

Express gratitude for having children 

Some people can't have children and want them. That sucks for them. Some people don't want children. That would suck for us (the human race) if everyone felt that way. We are the lucky ones who have children. It's a different lifestyle we've chosen. Sometimes it seems difficult. Sometimes it seems impossible. And yet we do it. 

Today look at your children and feel gratitude they are in your life. Smile at them and when they ask, "What's wrong with you?" reply "I'm just glad you're here, is all." And if your kids are anything like mine you'll probably get an eye roll or shoulder shrug. 

Do you feel it in your body, though? To me it feels like my heart filling with love the way my lungs fill with air. 

I am so grateful to have children in my life. I'm so grateful to be a mom. 

Go to day 2

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