Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Parenting Gratitude Challenge - Day 5

It's day five of the gratitude challenge. 

Today let's 

Express gratitude your children are supported.

I'm thankful my kids are safe. I'm grateful I'm able to provide them with food and shelter. 

I have a friend you unexpectedly became pregnant, and she was freaking out. Her family was worried she wouldn't be able to support a child. I thought that was ridiculous. When you have children in your care, you do want needs to be done to provide for them. Parents rise to the challenge.

Sometimes I think of things I wish we had. I'd love to have a gardener and a maid, for example. My son would love to have a Nintendo Switch. Sometimes I think, "I really need _____." And then I stop myself. We don't need anything. We are alive and have everything we need. 

Today I encourage you to marvel at all you posses and all you've provided for your children.

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