Monday, July 3, 2017

Parenting Gratitude Challenge - Day 3

I was recently asked to name my top three goals for my children. It was actually pretty easy because it's the same thing I want for myself, and really for all humanity.

1. To be happy
2. To be healthy
3. To have good relationships with others

More than anything else I just want my kids to be happy.

So, for day 3 of my parenting gratitude challenge I encourage you to

Express gratitude your children are happy

Emotions are fluid and change from moment to moment. My children are generally happy people, and I'm so grateful for that. They love to laugh, and play, and be silly. They are content and joyful in a way that I sometimes have to work for as a grown up. It comes naturally to them.

Celebrate your children's happiness. This is hard for me sometimes when I'm not in the mood to hear raucous laughter or excited, elevated voices. But when it's quiet I recall the noise and smile. I'm grateful for the laughter, and the smiles, and the squeals of delight. I'm happy my kids are happy.

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