Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Time flies

I can’t believe my oldest is already 162 months old. Time really does fly. Doesn’t it?

He will be starting high school in the fall. High school!

We went to freshman orientation night a while back and the mom in charge of the PTCO gave a welcome speech. Her advice? Enjoy every minute, because it will be over before you know it.
At the time I resented her speech and her tears. That night was hard enough without her emotional outburst. The school is so big! He looks so small! There are so many more kids! There are so many choices! The “kids” look like adults! I’m excited, nervous, and outright scared for him.

Nevertheless I’ve thought about how time flies a lot recently. Do you ever have a reoccurring theme keep popping up in your life? If you haven’t, you probably aren’t paying enough attention. I think the universe tends to hit us over the head with important concepts we need to learn until we actually learn them.

I was having a conversation with a friend last week about our mothers. She disclosed to me that her mother would tell her and her siblings how much they ruined her life. I could definitely relate. My mother never came out and said those words, but I always felt that I was holding her back. I felt like a burden. My friend said it best, “Some of these mothers... what was going on with them? It didn't all turn out like they had planned, but once it's happened, wouldn't it make more sense to, I don't know? Make the best of it? Try to have some fun.”  

I know I’ve been guilty of not enjoying motherhood as much as I could. In the beginning I mourned the life I didn’t have. In the middle I struggled to provide things like food and shelter and I rarely took the time to enjoy where I was. Lately, I’ve been worried about the future instead of enjoying the present.

That crying PTCO lady was right. It all goes by so fast. So, why not make the best of it? Try to have some fun. 

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